Platelet-Rich Plasma PRP Injections for Joint Pain

PRP Treatment for Knee and Shoulder Pain in Greenville, SC

  • PRP injections are a regenerative, non-surgical way to treat osteoarthritis, reduce pain, improve mobility, and reduce inflammation. PRP is used treat a range of musculoskeletal injuries, and joint pain including:

    • Knee pain

    • Shoulder pain

    • Neck pain

    • Hip pain

    • Lower back pain

    We specialize in treating joint pain and injuries with PRP injections in Greenville South Carolina. This regenerative, minimally invasive, natural procedure, helps stimulate the healing process, decrease pain, and speed up recovery.

  • What is PRP?

    Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is simply a blood component that has a very strong concentration of platelets. These platelets play an important role in healing throughout the body because of their clotting abilities. Platelets contain growth factors that trigger cell reproduction and stimulate tissue regeneration and healing.

    To create platelet-rich plasma, a blood sample is drawn from the patient and placed into a centrifuge that rapidly spins the sample and separates the platelets from the other components of the blood.

  • What is a PRP Injection?

    After separating platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from a patient’s blood sample, the PRP is injected into the target area, such as an injured knee or joint. An ultrasound is used to guide the injection into the precise location so that the PRP starts the healing process. The injected concentration of the plasma accelerates the healing process naturally without surgery or medication.

    Studies show that the increased concentration of growth factors in PRP stimulates and speeds up the healing process, shortening healing time for injuries, and decreasing pain.

  • Ready to treat your joint pain?

    Schedule a complimentary 15 minute phone consultation to discuss your joint pain areas and learn how platelet-rich plasma injection therapy can help you regain movement and reduce pain.


  • 30-60 minutes. PRP injections are minimally-invasive so you can resume your normal activities immediately after the injection.

    First, our nurse practitioner will draw blood from your arm, and then separate the PRP from the rest of the blood’s components in a centrifuge.

    The PRP is then carefully and precisely injected with ultrasound guidance. The platelets break down and release their growth factors, which trigger the natural processes of cell multiplication and tissue renewal.

  • Our standard procedure involves 3 injections per treatment area. The injections are scheduled 1 week apart for maximum effectiveness and healing results.

  • The benefits of PRP injections may take between 4-6 weeks to be completely noticeable to the patient. The platelet-rich plasma continues to work with it’s natural healing properties for up to 6-12 months.

  • Most patients typically experience significant benefits and pain relief from their PRP injections for 6 to 9 months.

  • PRP injections are relatively painless and minimally invasive; however, patients may experience varying degrees of discomfort during the procedure due to the extent, type and location of the injection, which is determined based on the treatment area.

  • The cost varies based on the treatment area and the amount of injections needed. Our standard PRP procedure for musculoskeletal injections costs $2,995 per treatment area. This includes a physical assessment with the nurse practitioner, and a series of 3 ultrasound guided injections that are scheduled 1 week apart. PRP injections for aesthetics vary based on the procedure, please contact us to learn more.

  • No. PRP is an elective medical procedure. You can use HSA or FSA funds to cover medical procedures. We also accept all major credit & debit cards as forms of payment.

  • A PRP injection is a low-risk procedure because it is made up of your own cells and plasma. The risk of an allergic reaction is much lower than with other synthetic injectables or medications.

    After the procedure, you may experience some soreness and bruising at the injection site.

    Our nurse practitioner is trained and experienced with PRP injections and has performed many procedures.

Ready to treat your joint pain? Schedule Your PRP Injection Online