IV Hydration + Nutrient Infusions

IV Hydration Therapy Infusions deliver hydration, vitamins, nutrients, and amino acids directly into the bloodstream for effective absorption. IV Therapy is a great way to:

  • Replenish electrolytes

  • Restore vitamin deficiencies

  • Relieve cold and flu symptoms

  • Strengthen your immunity

  • Rehydrate your body

  • Reduce chronic fatigue & brain fog

  • Increase energy

  • Boost metabolism

  • Enhance athletic performance & reduce recovery time

Schedule Your IV Therapy Infusion

IV Infusions

  • Rehydrate $195

    Replenish electrolytes and rehydrate with 1000ml of Normal Saline, Vitamin C, B Complex, Magnesium, and a powerful mineral blend.

  • Myer's Advanced Cocktail

    Great for overall body & mind health, wellness, restoration, and performance. This IV is loaded with Vitamin C, B12, B Complex, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, and Taurine. Designed to boost mood & energy, relieve headaches & muscle cramps, and improve mental clarity.

  • Energize $195

    Designed to promote energy, boost metabolism, and burn fat with Vitamin B Complex, and a powerful Amino blend.

  • Immunity Boost $295

    A great way to rehydrate, boost energy, detox, and stay healthy while traveling. This IV is full of Vitamin C, B Complex, and Zinc, followed by a Glutathione push at the end. These ingredients work together to strengthen immunity, promote faster recovery, and increase protection against the cold & flu.

  • Myer's Cocktail $195

    This proven original classic that’s been around for decades is great for overall health & wellness. This IV is loaded with Vitamin C, B12, B Complex, Calcium and Magnesium. It's a popular option for boosting mood & energy, and to help relieve headaches & muscle cramps.

  • Workout & Recover $245

    Designed to enhance athletic performance and help with post-workout muscle tissue recovery. This IV combo includes Vitamin C, B Complex, and a powerful blend of amino acids and minerals. Get infused with essential nutrients for your pre & post-workout game.

  • Fat Burner $195

    Loaded with Vitamin B12, B Complex, and Taurine to boost metabolism, burn fat, enhance blood flow, and improve circulation. This IV is designed to help the body stay lean and improve energy levels.

  • Glow & Shine $195

    Elevate your natural beauty and shine! This IV is packed with Biotin, B Complex, and Vitamin C to promote healthier looking hair, skin, and nails. It's a great option to fight acne, rashes, and wrinkles, and may help increase energy and good cholesterol production.

  • Alleviate $195

    Get extra relief when you need it most! This IV is loaded with Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, and B vitamin complex to help reduce bloating, menstrual cramps, abdominal discomfort, and lower back pain.

  • Vitamin C $295+

    Vitamin C is a great option to boost the body’s natural healing ability, decrease pain after injuries, and improve energy. Vitamin C also helps the immune system fight infections and has anti-cancer properties. This IV includes 15,000mg of Vitamin C infused for 1 hour. Higher doses and treatment plans are available, contact us for more details.

  • NAD+ Therapy $295+

    NAD+ therapy may help decrease pain & inflammation, reduce fatigue & brain fog, and boost mood & energy! NAD+ improves mitochondrial function within the cell and is used for anti-aging, improved brain function, detoxing and treating addiction. This IV includes 250mg of NAD+ infused for 2 hours. Requires consultation with nurse practitioner. Higher doses and treatment plans are available, contact us for more details.


    Customize your IV therapy by adding an extra booster.

    • Glutathione +$50

    • Vitamin C +$20

    • B12 +$20

    • B Complex +$30

    • Magnesium +$20

    • Biotin +$20

    • Amino Blend +$30

    • Mineral Blend +$30

    • Zinc +$20


  • Our professional staff is licensed, experienced, and trained to administer IV infusions in a sterile and safe medical office environment. We use high quality medical grade products from US based pharmacies that are FDA registered and authorized to distribute reliable sterile medication to healthcare facilities.

  • IV therapy is delivered directly into the bloodstream and bypasses the digestive system. Therefore your body absorbs the vitamins & nutrients much quicker and more effectively into your cells and tissues. Typically patients notice the benefits of IV Therapy within 30-60 minutes after the infusion.

  • That depends on your lifestyle needs and health goals. Our nurse practitioner will recommend the best IV infusion option for your needs so that you can get the most benefits. You can also schedule a wellness consultation with our nurse practitioner to discuss any health concerns, review your health history, and obtain blood work labs for an extra cost.

  • That depends on your health goals. Our nurse practitioner will be happy to discuss what kind of IV infusion is best for you, and how frequently you can get it to obtain the most benefits. Some patients prefer to come in once a week, while others prefer IV infusions bi-weekly or monthly.

  • Most IV infusions only take 30-45 minutes. Certain IV infusions such as NAD+, or high dose Vitamin C, can take longer and require a health assessment consultation.

  • We provide a comfortable private office environment with so that you can relax during your infusion.

  • Currently our services are by appointment only. This helps us prepare for your visit and make sure that you are seen at your scheduled time.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The information provided on this website is not medical advice and should not be used for diagnosing or treating health problems or disease, and those seeking personal medical advice should consult with a licensed physician. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider regarding a medical condition.